This web site is about the promotion of Egg Artistry, Arts and Crafts of quality, Card Art, Wood Carving and Cockatiels.  We hope to find other people with new ideas and information in these areas.



About Us

My name is Frankie Knight.  My husband's name is Norm.  Norm is a woodcarver and furniture builder.  He belongs to a wood carving club he started in our area.  We are both retired.  I had a craft supply shop for 14 years.  I love doing egg artistry, beading, almost any craft, working on the computer, teaching crafts to seniors as well as helping teach seniors about the computer.  I have been a diabetic since 1957.  I have had nothing but great support from my husband in this time.  I am so lucky as well as having a great husband, we have terrific children.  We have 3 cockatiel birds which we love.  They are great birds.












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